Magens Bay --San Thomas

Friday, November 9, 2012

Journey to the Taroko National Park, Taiwan

Let's take the train to Hualien, home of the Taroko National Park

A visit to Taiwan without a stop at the Taroko National Park is like visiting Northern California without touching the Golden Gate Bridge. Taroko National Park lies in the Eastern part of Taiwan. Taroko's natural beauty was made possible by the wonder of the highway builders. There, the highway penetrated through mountains, winding stone caves and tunnels. In fact due to its winding route, the tunnel is known as the Nine Turns Tunnel, means forever tunnel. (Chinese loves number nine, the sound of the 'nine' signifies forever.)

A suspension footbridge

Tunnel ...

The tunnel and I :-)

Liwu River
Due to its natural setting where the Liwu river is constantly having friction with its marble mountains, it is fairly common to spot marble surface rocks, like the one below ...

Can you spot me?

The bridge--dedicated to all mothers
The Eternal Spring Shrine was built to commemorate those who died building the Central Cross-Island Highway . This scenary captured the beauty of the water is flowing down into the river and behind the shrine are some stone steps, called “The Heavenly Stairs”, leading up to Guanyin Cave--Guanyin is one of the goddesses in Chinese beliefs--and Changuang Temple. .

Eternal Spring Shrine, Taroko National Park, Hualien on the east coast.
Guanyin Cave
Swallow's Grottos (Yanzihgu) are natural cave caused by erosion of the Liwu River . During late spring and early summer, this is known to be the nesting place of thousands of swallows.

 Until next stop,
Journey of Life


  1. one day you should collect all these travel posts into a travel memoir...

  2. Looks like a beautiful place..maybe some day! :-)

  3. What a gorgeous place!! The tunnels look like a fascinating place to explore.


  4. Taiwan is still on my bucket list. You've provided inspiration.

  5. Taiwan looks so! Thank you for sharing your travels :)

    1. Thank you Loki-Lou. Indeed it is a beautiful country.

  6. Hi! Visiting from Papa is a Preacher's link party. Thanks for sharing your pictures from Tawain. It's beautiful!

    1. Happy to see you here and I am glad you think it is beautiful as well.

  7. Gorgeous photos of an amazing place. Thanks for sharing these.
