Magens Bay --San Thomas

Friday, September 21, 2012

Old Post Ressurection: My Love for Tango

First posted on May 3rd of this year and now it is part of the Old-Post Resurrection Hop with Sandra Tyler

I always feel intrigued by Tango’s movement and its music. Somehow the music sounds so defying. The female’s facial expression is so supercilious. The whole dance is so elegant! –And I started to fall in love…

My love for Tango wasn’t quite there until recently when I and hubby started to take private lessons from my Salsa dance’s teacher. Step by step she took us into her arms and led us into the dance floor. Baby steps were made until some movements were memorized and learned. Then all of the sudden the surge of excitement arose from my heart to my body. As the music flows… It takes my body with it and starts to move eloquently. As if it couldn’t resist the temptation that generated by Tango’s music. As if the Tango has its magnetic pulls that I can not resist. Without a choice, I submit wholeheartedly –And I started to fall in love helplessly…

Each time, when my hubby took my hands and gently led me into the dance floor. He would take charge and took me to wherever directions he wanted me to be. I would follow obediently as of this body has its own mind. I can no longer control it. If my mind decided to go against, the whole movement halted awkwardly and the music would abandon us and move on. But I won’t and nor could I. I felt like my whole feeling and body have been trapped inside a web, a Tango web and I can no longer escape. –And I started to fall in love deeper …

Courtesy of
Little did I know that Tango dance has taught this free spirit of mine how to follow a lead and go where my loved one wants me to. I am always a freethinker person and go wherever I want to go and do whatever I want to do. Hardly anyone could stop me … Hardly anyone could prevent me until I met Tango dance where I would powerlessly surrender without any fight. This kind of feeling is so foreign to me yet familiar. It reminded me when I first fell in love with hubby. Couldn’t stay away from him, wanting to see and hear his voices. Wanting to be with him every seconds of my life. –And my love for Tango has gone deeper than one could imagine …

A lot of time in our lives, we find ourselves finding someone or something that we love and no matter how hard we try to stay away, we just can't. The love grows stronger each time and before we know it the love has taken controlled over us. Being in love is such a great feeling to have and sometimes it seems so unreal and hard to describe in words.  "We all want to fall in love. Why? Because that experience makes us feel completely alive. Where every sense is heightened, every emotion is magnified, our everyday reality is shattered and we are flying into the heavens. It may only last a moment, and hour, an afternoon. But that doesn't diminish its value. Because we are left with memories that we treasure for the rest of our lives." – This is exactly how I am feeling at this moment ...

This part of my journey with Tango has sparked a new excitement in my life that I feel like I am falling in love all over again. As you walk back into your own journey of life …I hope you would find yourself falling in love all over again and this time with something or that very someone in your life that may ignite your heart all over again ...

Until next stop,
Journey of Life


  1. Captivating post, Angela! Thanks for reposting it!
    Unfortunately, I never got around to doing the Blog Hop this week - too many things going on. Probably next week.

    1. I know what you mean ... I haven't made my round lately and sometimes I miss posts here and there ...

  2. Such a sweet and heartfelt post. I think it is wonderful the connection you must feel with your hubby while dancing. You are in the moment together. I have been saying I would like to learn to dance but my hubby is not fond of the idea. I have been able to get him to take walks and stuff, so we can spend time doing that together. It is great. Maybe someday I can have him channel his inner Fred Astaire.

    1. :-) I am sure you would be able to bring out the best of him :-) Taking a walk is another way of spending time that I treasure as well.

  3. Gosh, that sounds SO romantic. Got to get my husband to tango with me...glad you hooked up. Next time try to grab the blog hop code too. Still trying to grow this thing...

  4. Great post... I have always wanted to learn the tango

    1. I bet Marc and you would do awesome in tango in fact in any dance :-)

  5. A guy in my office is very passionate about Tango, it's also where he met his current wife, during Tango sessions. Everyone knows him by his passion for this dance. I can't say I know anyone else who loved it so much. When I saw this post I thought it might be a blog he created. lol

  6. Hi Sweetie, just left you an award. Thank you for being such a good heart and devoted follower.

    go to:

  7. Your story really speaks volumes of how much you love to dance tango! The thing about tango, for me, is that it inspires us to be masculine and gentle when it comes to handling the women. Here’s a piece of trivia: did you know that tango is the most filmed dance for the big screen? Dancing it can make you look like Patrick Swayze, Richard Gere, or Jennifer Lopez.
