Magens Bay --San Thomas

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Sleeping in Public...

I was listening to my favorite radio as usual and the topic of 'Sleeping in Public' came up. I must admit, I am one of those who would  likely sleeping in the public.  In fact, this reminded me when I was in high school and college.

“Um … I don’t feel like going to church today.” That was my thought on that very Sunday. In fact, probably on most Sundays, but I went any way. And I was late as always, and as I expected, there wasn't any seats left in the church so I stood at my usual spot, against a pole while attending the mass.  Without realizing it my eyes were closed then I was awaken right after the priest was done with his preaching. Timing was always crucial as if I knew it in the back of my mind when was the time to be up :-)

The other day, I met my husband's coworker who apparently graduated from same college as us. He said that he saw me quite often in the library, he paused. Then he said, "But, most of the times, you were sleeping on your desk instead of studying." Laughing. Very true, indeed! I can sleep anywhere, name it and in any position --standing, or sitting. 

One time, after a quick nap at my office, I logged back in to my computer. In no time,  my ex-boss pinged me and said, "Are you awake now?" --Yeah ... yeah... :-)

Anyway, whatever I did is nowhere came close with this video that I am about to share it with you all ...

I hope you found it entertaining! Now the question is --Have you slept in the public before?

Until next stop,
Journey of Life


  1. Yes, I do sleep in public, like a power nap, lasts for 15-30 minutes. But when I am mentally tired, I will be asleep until someone wakes me up! :)

  2. I haven't slept in public but I saw a lot of people on my trip to San Franciso sleeping in public. Apparently it is a big thing...Going to a park and sleeping in public.

    Stopping by from NaBloPoMo.

  3. That was funny. I sleep on the railroad each day. I get on at 5:30 am and am up at 4:20 am, so I am "out" in 10 min. Luckily the announcements are loud at the end and wake me up. It is the last stop. Funny church story. My brother was in HS and dating a server, and she was kneeling on the altar and feel asleep, and the next thing we know she felt off the kneeler. Talk about startled. Felt bad for her. My mom still reminds my brother of her long ago girlfriend when we are together at church. Poor Stephanie will go down in the family archives that way.

    1. Ha! LOL ... fell off the kneeler. Love that story.

  4. i have enough trouble sleeping in my bed....

  5. I absoulutely cannot sleep in public. I try to sleep on airplanes for long trips to Europe, and just can't do it. I don't know, I guess nothing works for me except a bed.

    1. That is interesting. I do know some people who can't sleep in the planes. --Me <-sleep like a pig :-)
