Magens Bay --San Thomas

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Is That How It Started …

As I was watching the world went by on the beach during our camping trip. I have noticed couple incidents within 30 minutes of each other. A boy was saying this to his mom, “I want to pee.” –His mom said something and pointed to the lake. Then the boy reported back after a bit, and his mom gestured his to shush. –Interesting.

Then, I saw another girl said in a louder voice that she wanted to go to bathroom. Her mom, again, pointed the sea. Then the girl shouted, “Um .. I really didn’t need to go to bathroom,” and put her finger on her lips–more interesting, I said to myself.

Those moments have fed this mind of mine and here we are at our stop. I wondered if this is how a lie gets started? For convenience purposes, which seem to be quite innocent, are we teaching our children, our next generation, to lie and okay them to do something improper, not abiding the rule?  I am not even sure if we realize the price that we are paying for being convenience.

Here is something to think about, are we willing to trade our conveniences with something that contradict with what we have been trying to teach since day one?  “Yeah, it never fails to amaze me how a single lie can undo an entire lifetime of good. (Aiden)” ― Sherrilyn Kenyon, Upon the Midnight Clear

Um ... I wonder --Is that how a lie is started …

Until next stop,
Journey of Life


  1. Isn't it interesting that in the quiet time like camping you can really be observant and think, without distractions. It is a very interesting observation you made. Makes me wonder too. Thomas Jefferson was a brilliant man, I learned a lot about him in Colonial Williamsburg in VA. I have gone there 4 times, and gosh, I wish I could live there. I immerse myelf in history while there.

    1. I love history too and I also found Jefferson very inspiring. Thank you for coming and share a piece of you each time --I feel like I know you more and more, Winnie :-)

  2. Point well made! There is another thing that general public needs to care for: cleanliness. Treat the city you live as your very own home. Only then, you will feel the joy of staying at home.

  3. It so true what you say - we lie for the sake of convenience and forget that those little minds are taking it all in - and thinking it's right. Very thought provoking indeed.

  4. Gosh, I don't know. I used to go on hiking trips, and we would have "bathroom breaks" where we all would go behind trees...not sure what else we were supposed to do?

    1. :-) --I guess nothing is black and white and I would probably have to do the same under those circumstances.

      The beach that I was at has a very clean bathroom just about 50 - 100 feet away. But then, I was more worry about 'hush, don't tell kinda attitude'

  5. Well, I can see going behind trees or a bush, if you're in the woods, but not if there is bathroom close by.

    I bet convenience is how a lot of bad habits get started.
