Magens Bay --San Thomas

Monday, September 17, 2012

Tidbits about Me And Blogger Awards ...

First off, I am very honored to receive three awards from my fellow bloggers
  1. Char from , back in July –Okay I am 2 months late but better late than never. If you love fashion and travel, you should definitely visit Char’s web site. Oh … she hosts Weekend Blog Hop Till You Drop
  2. Sherry who is an author of children books “That Baby Woke Me Up, AGAIN and That Mama s a Grouch.” She is also a professional musician who plays and teaches violin, viola and piano. If you ever need a good laugh here and there, make sure to visit her blog:
  3. And Sunni from who is a fantasy author of a book, Haversham Hill, and she loves to blog about her cat and her life.
Now there are different rules from each award and I am going to answer them here and pass them on ..

Rules from Versatile Blogger Award:
  1. Thank the Blogger who nominated you.
  2. Include a link to their site.
  3. Include the Award image in your post.
  4. Give 7 random facts about yourself.
  5. Nominate 15 other Blogger for the award.
  6. When nominating, include a link to their site.
  7. Let other bloggers know that you nominated them.

Rules from Inspiring Award
  1. Thank the person who nominated you.
  2. Nominate bloggers whom you find inspiring
  3. List seven things about yourself
And then Rules from the Super Swe-e-e-e-et Blogger Awards

First: The guidelines are to thank the person who gave you this award.
Second: Answer the “Super Sweet” questions.
Third: Nominate a “Baker’s Dozen” (13) blogs to receive this award.

Time to share seven facts about me:
  1. At one point of my life, I know 9 different dialects/languages –possibly 10
  2. I am the second of my six siblings –that is why I am a little bit rebellious :-) so I don't really follow all of the rules given by each award.
  3. I am a Software Engineer and I love writing --IMHO it is just plain odd :-)
  4. I only eat dark chocolate –pure dark chocolate
  5. I don’t curse! Really!
  6. I have always been fascinated by death and ghosts like.
  7. The first time I ever snorkeled was actually when my friend hired a private guide and he literally took my hand and swam with me!
And here are the questions for the Super Sweet Blogger
  1. Cookies or Cake?  Definitely Tiramisu!
  2.  Chocolate or Vanilla? Do you have to ask? --Dark Chocolate
  3. What is your favorite sweet treat? Chocolate Soufflés
  4. When do you crave sweet things the most? Unfortunately I am not a sweet tooth so I don’t crave for one. But when I see Soufflés –I must have it!
  5.  If you had a sweet nickname, what would it be? I do but I am not sharing :-)
Now that you know tidbits about me –It is your turn and you can pick any of these awards or three of them :-)
  1. Winnie from –The best custom card designer ever. If she ever open up her online biz, I would definitely order BD cards from her for my girls.
  2. Sandra from –An author of two novels, Blue Glass and After Lydia. She hosts a creative writing blogs. I love visiting her blog and being visited by Sandra. She is so positive and she can give you the best feedback which sounded like music to the ears.
  3.  Larissa from - I love reading her blog, specially about the tidbits in her life. It is quite entertaining.
  4. Amit from --He is a bit humorous and definitely poetics. I especially love this poem
  5. Lorinda from  - She is an author of books that talk about termites. Yes. Termite Queen!
  6. From Maggies Farm  - She has the best recipes ever !
  7. Sue from  --I don’t know how she does it, she know all of the coolest houses there are.
Until next stop,
Journey of Life


  1. Thank you, sweetie! I've disappeared lately; have issues with my son who is dealing with depression so I am preoccupied and left a bit speechless. Or writer less?

    1. I am so sorry Sandra. I really hope things will be fine soon with your son. *Hugs*

  2. Thanks so much for the mention! I was surprised to find it here! I've taken to reading all your blog posts - I always find them interesting! Have you tried any of my books? You can find sample chapters on both my blogs or you can download samples at Smashwords.

    1. HI Lorinda,
      Thank you so much Lorinda! I really appreciate you for taking the time to read my blog posts. I am so behind in books, I am a stash of books that I am going to read and one of them is yours. I will let you know once I am there.

      Take care,

    2. Thanks! I appreciate the interest very much!

    3. You are welcome. And correction I *am a stash of books --I *have a stash of books :-)

  3. Great to know more about you. It's always good to match the blogger with some facts about him/her. Thanks for sharing and congrats on your award!

    1. Thank you Anne. I know. I love reading others' blogger tidbits as well. Hopefully someday, I will read yours as well.

  4. Aww! Thank you so much! :) It is very kind of you.

  5. Congratulations! Your blog is really taking off!

    1. Thank you so much Ana. I always enjoy reading your blog posts. Your blog is always refreshing.

  6. Re your comment on my blog - thanks for nominating me and sorry to be such a nitwit when it comes to cyberspace, but I don't understand which of the three awards listed above I'm being nominated for. There is the Versatile Blogger Award, Inspiring Award, and Supersweet Blogger Award. Which one do I respond to?

    1. You are very true-- I purposely didn't state it but I should have made it clearly now that I think about it more. You can pick any one or three of them :-)

  7. I am beyond touched! I can't tell you how you made me smile.
    When I decide to sell my cards online, I will let you know. Your blog is so special to me, and your kind heart just shines through in your writing.

    1. Oh ... Winnie, I have never believed that I could connect with someone off the net but here I am feeling connected with you as of we are old friends.

      Thank you for saying those nice words. Really appreciate it. And I am looking forward to read more of blog posts and admiring your creations.

  8. Thank you for such a gracious honor! You are a joy!

    1. You are very welcome and I can't wait to know you better through your writing.

  9. You nominated me!?! Thank you so very much. I will try to get this Blogger Award done now too. I see you are featured on BlogHer!! I need to get back to them, as I somehow got offtrack from cross-posting there. Have a blessed and beautiful rest of the day. xo

    1. Cool. I will come by and visit you soon to read more about you. Yeah ... I was and I kinda physically have left BlogHer but mentally I miss whole bunch of my Blogging friends there --Just not enough time of the day to keep up with two blogs.

  10. I loved reading your tidbits! Nine languages? Wow! And I thought I knew a lot. You must be brilliant! I'm with you on dark chocolate - but you already knew that!

    1. I am not sure about being brilliant :-) but I think I have that natural ability. Now that I have grown older --my ability diminish bit by bit :-)

  11. Hey hon, turns out we have numbers 5 and 7 in common! I really loved finding out a bit more about you!

    1. Awesome! Love to find something in common between us. So cool!

  12. I'm pleased to accept the Versatile Blogger Award, Angela! Thanks so much! I think I'll let the other two go. While some might find my blogs inspiring, others might see them at just the opposite. And I'm not sure the term Super Sweet Blogger really fits me! :)

  13. Wow Thank you! (:
    I'll be making a post on this as soon as I can! Traveling in the next few days but as soon as I have five minutes I'll be making it a whole post. (: Thanks again, and I'm definitely with you on Tiramisu! Yum!

    1. I know ... definitely can't pass on Tiramisu :-) And have fun traveling and be seeing you soon.

  14. congrats on your award... 9-10 languages... WOW!

    1. I don't like this 'awaiting for approval' thingy but then people dislike typing the catcha words too. If I let comments go through unconditionally, I may get a lot of spam. I guess "awaiting for approval' is the middle ground here :-) except the readers may not know whether their comments go through or not. Oh well ...

  15. Not sure if my first comment went through... congrats on your award... 9-10 languages? WOW!
