Magens Bay --San Thomas

Monday, September 3, 2012

First Camping Trip –My Family

This long weekend, we had our first family's camping trip. It has been awhile since we camped. I believe we have gone to camp for about three times or so in the past with our friends. And this time was our first camping trip on our own. As always, I did all of the planning ahead of times, from booking camp ground to finding out what we needed to bring. My hubby was responsible for our menu. Let's see, he bought fish, chickens, filet mignons to a surprise dish–lobsters, my favorite.

It was unfortunate that we arrived so late –9:30 pm. We wanted to leave earlier but my girl didn’t want to ditch her class even though we have suggested otherwise. Leaving at 3:30 pm, as you can imaged sent us directly to the jam packed traffic –taking 2 hours longer than expected. As we arrived, though we were greeted by dark sky, we still managed to find our tent site in one single swoop. Setting up tent was a piece of cake, wow you think. Well, my hubby downloaded the video from youtube and with the guide from the computer, my hubby and my girls setup the tent. I was too busy with unloading stuff and arranging them accordingly.

After all of the setup were completed, the girls and my hubby were busy trying to start the fire, getting ready for our fabulous dinner –fish barbeque and yam… As the night got dimmer and serene, we decided to turn ourselves in. That was our first night at the camp and it was freezing!! So cold that I couldn’t sleep well -- between turning and tossing, I managed to sleep a bit here and there. The worst of all, wanting to visit the restroom in the middle of the night.

The sun was high up by the time we had our brunch –over easy eggs, and ramen were the menu of the day. Then we headed to the beach for fun time. The girls had so much fun pedaling the boat while my hubby was chasing them for photo time. I, on the other hand, had my quiet moment, observing the lake and the people surrounding me.

Before we knew it,  time for dinner had approached –I wondered, if camping is all about preparing for food and surrounding the camp fire :-)  Having said that, at this very camping trip, I have noticed something interesting --how four of us managed to work so well in a team to overcome our challenge in making our first camping trip a lasting and memorable trip. Seeing how the girls and my hubby put their heads together in setting up the tent, starting the camp fire and how we always manage to entertain each other, as if the whole world belongs to us and only us. We are quite content just being together, no matter where we are.

As we gazed at the sky, the surrounding camp sites, the full moon, our captivating, and warm camp fire and when our eyes met, all of the sudden our hearts were filled with the warmness of the camp fire. In that very moment of my life–I am convinced that we are destined to be a family in this lifetime.

Until next stop,
Journey of Life


  1. I so enjoyed reading this. Camping used to be my favorite pasttime with my late hubby. I found that those trips were really quality time for the two of us. Quiet, no outside distractions, no tv etc. The meals were extra special and leisurely. I highly recommend people camp for those reasons. I am forever grateful that we took my sisters 3 kids on their first camping trip. It is remembered fondly by the kids and great memories to carry with them of their uncle. I love that those vacations may not have been "expensive" trips, and fine dining etc, but true family time. I think my favorite trip was to the Smoky Mountains..That and Acadia National Park in Maine (did that 3 times...) We camped local almost every other weekend in the summer and fall. I wish I could talk my current hubby into it, but he is definately opposed to the idea. We do vineyards together instead. Not a bad compromise, but I do miss the camping..So glad you have a great time.

    1. Thank you Winnie for sharing a bit about your late hubby. You have so much fond memories with him. I echoed the 'true family time.' Someday, I may drop by at the Smoky Mountains and Acadia National Park.

      BTW., I'll take 'vineyards,' any time! :-)

  2. What a lovely family time! It's amazing how much kids can learn from these experiences and you're making beautiful memories for them too!

    1. Thank you Corinne and it is very true that my girls learned many great skills in that little trip.

  3. Filet mignons camping? Wow, you guys camp in style!

    I nominated you for the Inspiring Blogger Award. You can pick it up and Mama Diaries.

    1. I was shocked when he told me how much he spent for those couple meals that we had :-)

      Thank you, Sherry --I would pass it on.

  4. That dinner looks good... I would have show. Up for that..

    1. LOL ... We should do a get-together for 'The Writer' group someday :-)

  5. I have noticed that about camping too. It is all about making the food, eating the food, and setting around the campfire after you get everything set up. I love setting in front of the fire best of all and contemplating the flames. Thank you for taking me along on your camping trip!


  6. That is indeed a cool trip! It am certain that you enjoyed it. Awesome shots. I am a camper at heart and I am happy to see you enjoyed it. Cool!
