Magens Bay --San Thomas

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Filial Piety

''When I was small, you carry me; When you grow old, I carry you'' newspaper commended as saying. These words touched many hearts.

filial piety
(in Confucianism) the important virtue and primary duty of respect, obedience, and care for one's parents and elderly family members.

This man in the photo whose name is Ting Tsu-chi, retired from the Bureau of Investigation in the southern city of Tainan five years ago. His mother became depressed after her husband passed away. In order to care for his mother, he has given up his promotion and chose to retire early.

And his motto in life nowadays ...
''When I was small, you carry me; When you grow old, I carry you'' 

I hope you enjoy this little stop visiting the Filial Piety ...

Until next stop,
Journey of Life   


  1. Replies
    1. Isn't it. When I first read about it... I was so touched.

  2. What a touching story, A. The picture speaks a thousand words. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Yes. I couldn't compete so I decided to leave it as is ...

  3. I can identify with this concept so much because I basically did the same thing for both of my parents. When they became sick I took care of them abandoning all else in the case of my mom. I felt at the time that each of them had given me so much in my life that I owed them the same in return. I wanted to be there for them, and I was. I have no regrets and am glad I did all I could do. I know they would have each done the same for me.


    1. You have a warm and kind heart, Kathy. And your parents are so lucky to have you.

  4. Such love! After a morning of bad "news" on tv, it was refreshing to visit and read your post and the kindness of others. Bless him and those caring for their parents. For all they do for us in our lifetimes, it is their time to be taken care of. I took care of my MIL with my late hubby, and after he passed, I continued until her passing. Now, when I look back, I am so glad I did as I was the lucky one to have her and the time with her.

    1. Winnie, if I can vote for a person who has devoted her life to others. You would be it!
      Blessed your heart, Winnie!

  5. wonderful story - thanks for sharing!

  6. This, literally, brought tears to my eye!!

    I hope to be able to show my parents this much love as they get older!!

    1. Where have you been? And indeed, it is very touchy photo. Me too. I hope I can do the same with my mother.

    2. Sorry for the absence. So busy with school. My Reader was at 1000+. Finally got some free time and am catching up as best as I can!

    3. I am glad you are back and busy with school is a good news :-)
