Magens Bay --San Thomas

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Journey to the Luxor Temple

We are not quite done yet with Egypt yet and hopefully you are not bored by now :-) Today, I am taking you all with me to the Luxor Temple.

Here is a little bit of the background ... In fact, an Egyptologist will take you on a tour ...

And how pictures tell thousand words ...

Your ticket ...

Look at how amazing the architecture is ...

King Tut and his queen

Court of Amenhotep III

The inscription on the wall was once colorful ...

This photo was taken when it was almost sunset ...

The same photo was taken when it was lighted at night ...
Hope you enjoy this very journey and ...

Until next stop,
Journey of Life


  1. Great photos! I visited this very place about ten years ago, really amazing. I absolutely love historic spots like this, where there are so much to see and learn.

    Thank you for sharing.

  2. I'm never "bored" where you take me. I don't go anywhere, otherwise..:)

  3. Awesome! I won't get bored! I have never been here, and not sure I will, so I love our journey. I am amazed at how detailed these are knowing the time we are talking about and how labor intensive these must have been with the tools of the day. The condition of them is also amazing!

    1. Very true. Somehow these great architecture last for years withstand all weathers and the only creatures that are capable of destroying them --us human

  4. I love your pictures! I never get bored looking at them. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Oh my goodness it looks so beautiful there ! Lucky you !
    I am currently hosting a blog hop over at my blog

    1. Thank you for your visit. Coming over to check out your blog hop.

  6. This was an awesome post, Angela. And I am most excited because I believe today the comments are working. Today I get to tell you that I LOVE your travels. And though I am jealous I haven't gotten the chance to do some traveling of my own, I get to live vicariously through you. YAY!

    Big virtual hugs, mi Amiga,

    1. Thank you Virginia! Really appreciate your comment and visit :-) --and your never give up spirit.

  7. Good to see that they are so well preserved.

    1. Yeah ... I hope it will be like that for many generations to come ...
