Magens Bay --San Thomas

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Tidbits about Egypt ...

Sunset at the Cairo Airport

 We had so much fun so far traveling to Egypt on the following journeys ...
But, before we go to another site, let's look at its weather. I have found the following data from the net for your guideline.

property of
Some data suggested that majority of the today Egyptians are Muslims and there are some Christians. Ever since the fall of its kingdom due to so many invasions, some suggested that today Egyptians have a mixed of some foreigners', ancient Egyptians' and Arabians' blood. In another words, ancient Egyptians have vanished through this world.

Along with the Egyptians are the Nubians, they are the descendant from the ancient Nubians who have inhibited in the Aswan (Egypt.) According to our tour guide, unlike Egyptians, Nubians are keeping their houses and environment clean from garbage. They use Camels and donkeys as their main transportation.

Donkey and I :-)
And here are some photos taken at the Nubian Village ...


Their kitchen ...

Notice the rounded thingy stacked on top of the clay oven? --those are breads ...
Nubian kids ...

And I have the privilege of tasting their food ...

Beef stew and some side dishes ...

The tastiest bread --the ancient Egyptian sand bread ...

Now ... It was said that in order to quicken the process of grinding, the ancient Egyptian bakers (mostly women) would add sand or ground stone to the grain so they would grind much faster. That was the main reason why the ancient Egyptians possessed poor teeth. And today --let's hope the sand bread that I ate didn't contain any sand ...

Of course, this visit will not be completed without a visit to the bazaar ....

Meet the sand glass artist ...

Ah ...sipping a cup of Turkish coffee at the local cafe ....

Awake? . Time to go about your routines and I will see you tomorrow at the Sahara desert for our camels riding ...

Until next stop,
Journey of Life


  1. This was fascinating and your pictures awesome. It looks like a great place to visit, although a hot one!!


    1. Thank Kathy ... indeed but it gets cooler in the winter.

  2. Fascinating! I love to travel. And I love hearing about new places, people, customs, etc. Thanks for sharing.

    1. You are very welcome and thank you for stopping by --glad you enjoy this little getaway.

  3. wow, look at you, world traveler! That's awesome. I would so love to go to Egypt one day! woohoo on the camel :)


    p.s. I'm a new networked blogs follower and GFC too :)

    1. :-) I love traveling and hope you would get there when the time come. And Camels riding journey is ON :-)

      Thanks for the follower, really appreciate it!

  4. Hi from Katherine's Korner. I am intrigued by you. Great photos and I liked leaning about the bread.

    1. Hi Sue,
      Thank you for the 'like' in the Facebook fan page coupled with your warm visit and comment.

  5. I like the tile floor in that one picture! It's fun to try foods from other countries. It looks like you had some tasty dishes!

    1. They tasted good, indeed. Thank you Sherry and hope to see you on the camels riding today :-)

  6. Well thank you for that! It was a nice little glimpse of a culture I have not been privy to. The sand in the grain makes sense, it's too bad they didn't have a way to sift it out of the rest of the grain later.

  7. So so cool! That village is so pretty and the food looks tempting!

    1. It is and they are still using ancient looking stove and that is amazing :-)

  8. I am having a blast with you! I never knew the temperature there got cooler in the winter..That was interesting. I just assumed it was 112 all the time. Love the pic of you on the donkey. Interesting facts about sandbread and teeth. Looking forward to seeing the desert! It amazes me how "cool" you look. I remember my trip to Mexico years ago at the ruins and I look SOAKED in each of the pics.

    1. :-) I am so happy to see you a lot this week, Winnie. I would love to see that picture of yours -soaking wet :-)

      Btw., even thought it was hot there but it wasn't humid. That is why I look dry in the pictures.
