Magens Bay --San Thomas

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A True Leader ...

The overused word 'leader,' is really bugging me for some reason. A lot of people are 'wannabe leaders' -so to speak. They climb all the way to the top of the ladder --be in an non-profit or profit organization. And then, their actions are not reflected. What does it mean to be a Governor, or a Manager or a President or you name it?

I must say, title doesn't reflect the character. Many of us, one way or another are capable of holding some sort leadership roles --provided that opportunities are presented and we choose to opt in. Now the question is do you have what it take to be true leader?

Google says ..


  1. The person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country.
  2. A person followed by others.
In my humble opinion, a true leader is the one that not only can lead others but also have the ability and desire to inspire them to be their own leaders or the next true leader.

Recently I have encountered an incident where I was assigned a certain role on a fairly important event that our organization held. I wanted someone who has the experience to accompany me for that given moment since that was my first time in that role and I didn't want to take any chance for messing up the whole event. With that in mind, I have asked personally for someone to be there to fill in the gaps that I might have missed. There was this visiting individual who hold a certain leadership role and she was chosen to be my 'buddy' on that day. The first half of the meeting went on smoothly and she chimed in here and there which was expected. Then toward in the middle, she decided to take the whole meeting upon herself as if I wasn't there --leaving me speechless.

Despite how I felt, I remained silent simply I didn't want the whole thing turned into a competition between me and her. Nevertheless, I was dumfounded --I remembered thinking if this so-called leader would be in my organization, I would not even joined at the first place.

Being leader doesn't mean that you need to show off that you are one. A true leader would stand behind the curtain. Their main roles were to guide and inspire others to do well on their own. a true leader is not there to do others' jobs nor giving them what they wanted without first inspiring them to obtain on their own.Now the question is do we have what is take to be a true leader?

As John Quincy Adams, United States' sixth president, once said ...

Property of

I hope we can be the true leaders that our children need --inspire them to dream more, learn more, do more and become more.

Hope you enjoy this stop visiting what does it take to be A True Leader!

Until next stop,
Journey of Life


  1. With your definition even a plain ole mamma like me is a leader in a sense. A leader of her kids.
    Great inspiring post!!


  2. Great quote by JQ Adams! A great listener is also important to be a great leader I think.

    1. Yes. Indeed. I think I wrote something in the past that echoed what you just said.

  3. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things hop. Your participation helps make it a success.I'm sorry I am slow to visit this week as I am fighting a nasty head cold and my time on the computer has been limited.Wishing you a beautiful day .
