Magens Bay --San Thomas

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Party is on … Are You Coming?

If you haven't already, we are having a BlogFest Party that will be on the whole month in October. And the most exciting part is I am going to be the host on the 27th of October. Can’t wait!

The prompt for today writing is all about Party Story. As I heard the word party … my mind wondered of and arriving at the first Birthday Party that my parents gave me. I believe I was turning either fourteen or fifteen years old.  I didn’t recall why that year just because my parents were not big on birthday parties. But they made it big for me and whole bunch of my friends were invited. My mom still have the pictures –how I wish I have them with me at this very moment.

When I was seventeen years old, I threw myself a birthday party, first party away from home,  at the house where I had rented a room along with many other high-school-er. Together, we definitely had fun. –Um … not to steer you to the wrong direction --no alcohol, just a lot of food! Then I made the first and last birthday cake in my life for myself on my nineteenth birthday. My  hubby was there to celebrate with me. First birthday with him and the party never stops ...

Perhaps that is how our family birthday tradition has started as I don’t recall any year would go by without any birthday in our households. The best birthday party was the surprise birthday party when my hubby turned thirty

I remember we had a date that night and he was picking me up from office. Before he arrived, I placed my hands into the fridge at the office to freeze them. Soon after my hubby arrived at my office building, I told him in my faint-est voice that I was not feeling well and I touched him with my chilled hands. He was concern about my health but at the same time, I could sense the disappointment in his voice as he was so looking forward for his BD dinner with me. I pretended that I was sleeping during our driving home. As soon as he pulled his car into the drive, I was as quick as a wink and went inside the house. Before he realized it, an army of his friends came out and threw him all kind of whipped cream and pie –and that was the best birthday party he had :-)

We love to celebrate our birthdays with a chocolate ice cream cake from Baskin Robbins and dinner with our family. Being a bit special in my family :-), my hubby would take me out on fine dining and two dozen of roses will magically appear at our dining table. As for the girls, birthdays mean friends and fun activities --not to mention a lot of gifts :-)

2011 Birthday dinner

The question is --what is your birthday party story?

Until next stop,
Journey of Life


  1. what a great story - love the hands on the freezer trick!

  2. Now that is one way to pull off a great party!! I bet your husband was really shocked!! Such a good wife and actress :) Thanks so much for blogging along and for hosting this month for BlogFEST 2012!! Going to be a great month of blogging!!

    Cheers, Jenn

    1. :-) I wonder if I can be an actress after all ... --Nay, stick with the engineer thingy :-)

  3. Last year we were in Mexico on my Birthday so my husband surprised me with a romantic candle light dinner on the beach. It was lovely!

    1. Oh ... that was so romantic of him! Um ... photo please!

  4. The surprise birthday parties are as much fun for the organizer as the 'surprisee', aren't they? Looking forward to reading your posts through the month.

  5. What a wonderful surprise!! I have never had a surprise party, but how fun!!


  6. Way to pull off the surprise party. You hubby sounds like one special guy. :)

  7. Wow! You are very good at planning a surprise. I had to chuckle when I read about the hands in the fridge. Very clever! I love your spirit! (We have Carvel ice-cream cakes here...)

    1. Hm ... New York, right? I need to check it out when I am there :-)

  8. Aren't you the clever girl...putting your hands in the freezer to fake an illness. I'm sure he was totally surprised when he got pie in the face!

  9. Love the chocolate BR ice cream good.

    You do have the surprise thing down to a science. Good job, and the academy award goes to...........LOL

  10. I love surprise parties...alas, I've never been the centre of attention for one of those! Maybe one day!

    I'll need to remember the freezer trick too! :)

  11. I love surprises too, specially the thoughful kinds. Don't get too many though :-(

  12. Love your party story. Wow, now I want a surprise party as well....

