Magens Bay --San Thomas

Sunday, April 8, 2012

What is your brand name?

I recently attended the Women in Technology Forum and hosted a Birds of Feathers session about blogging. We talked about blogging and other passions that we had outside our work and families. It was quite an interesting session, I think. But what I found much more interesting was the talk that I attended by Jo Miller, CEO of Women's Leadership Coaching. Inc. In fact, today I am taking you on a journey to visit the subject of a brand name. --What is your brand name?

When I think of tissues, I think of Kleenex. Even though I may not buy the Kleenex brand, I would call the tissue ‘Kleenex.’ Somehow that brand name has become a noun to me. Even Google has becoming a verb nowadays … Let’s me google it!

How do we want to be known as? A fearless leader? A leader who inspires other leaders? A loving mom? My girl's best friend? --Whatever we choose, we want that brand name to be a positive reflection of us.   

Here is one example of a brand name that may not be so positive. “I am a hard worker.” –Great to know. Since you are one, let me give you some more work to do. You see the point here. Choosing the right brand name could potentially move us to the next level in career. I suggest instead of ‘hard worker,’ perhaps ‘I love challenges.’ –That probably would enable this individual to move up in the ladder to the next rung. Instead of working more, perhaps work on more challenging stuff that can lead to a promotion.

--courtesy of

I believe a brand name can be applied in either a work-force or a family, or even in our society. Now the challenge is to find our own brand name that fits us charmingly. Afterward, we need to communicate our brand names, even advertise them via whatever means we are choosing.

Having  the right brand name could possibly enable us to be known the way we want to be known. Having  the right brand name could trigger a positive reflection on us and when need be, it can be served as a reminder to what we want to be known as.

As Claire Babineaux-Fontenot, J.D., L.L.M., Senior Vice President & Chief Tax Officer, Wal-Mart once said,
“When I'm in the throes of a difficult decision, I often go back to that (brand) statement, and test my reaction to the situation by the statement.  Does my reaction measure up to who it is that I represent myself to be?
There have been moments in which I was going to pursue a course that was not particularly courageous but was expedient; and I realized that that was not what I stand for. I regrouped and refocused and proceeded in a way that was more courageous.”

I hope you enjoy this journey with me visiting, ‘What is your brand name.’ Tell me, what is your brand name?

Until next stop,
Journey of Life


  1. A very good question! And an extremely challenging question. Hrrrrm, this one's going to take more coffee!

    1. Coffee on your way :-) Thanks for the visit and commenting. I hope you have fun finding your own name brand.

      I love your writing. Simply beautiful. Your latest post has taken me back to a place where I once called home where my fond memories were. Love it!
