Each time when our hearts are beating, someone somewhere is probably making
a decision. Someone has decided to cook pasta instead of steak. Someone has
decided to pick up oranges instead of apples. Someone has decided to wrap under the cozy blanket instead of going outside to play golf. Decisions …
Decisions. Still some of us have hard times making decisions, especially life
changing decision.
What should I be when I grow up? What would I like to do? I
don’t feel like doing my job any more, what would I like to do? Should I major
in business or engineering? Should I take physic honor or Chemistry honor?
BabyBoo, was making her first big decision the other night. She had to decide on what to take for her electives in eighth grade. She had concluded from her little research that she would need to take Spanish and Intermediate Band so she would be ready for her high school. But, she didn’t want to sacrifice one hour of her sleep time for school.
In the midst of her confusion, she sought for my advice. I
asked her couple questions and derived to the point that she doesn’t really
need to take intermediate band if she doesn’t want to go to school earlier. So
that was her decision. But before I tucked her in for the night, I left one thought
for her, “Please don’t take the easy out, if you believe and know what is the
right things for you to do. Sometimes we need to sacrifice in order to be successful.”
The next day I left earlier for my training at work and didn’t
get to see her until later that night. She told me that she had decided to take
both electives and opted to sleep less. It is funny to know that when we don't know which road to take, we seem to be confused, but once a decision is made. We feel like our burdens are lifted. Similarly, she seemed to
feel at ease after making her first big decision. I am very proud of her for making her decision despite knowing that it would be hard for her to have less sleep.
There are no right or wrong answers for our decisions. It is again a matter of our choices. However, "Sometimes it is the smallest decisions that can change our life forever." --Keri Russell
I hope you enjoy this part of my journey looking at decision. I am hoping that whatever decision that we made. It is our own decision. Just like the Chinese proverb, "A wise man makes his own decision, an ignorant man follows public opinion."
Until next stop,
Journey of Life
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