I first noticed about mind reading when my girls were young.
Every child goes thru the same cycle in life. They will attempt to deceive us. If
we pay close enough attention, we may catch them and hopefully they will not
have the chance to hone this skill and becoming an expert. When they are
younger, my girls tried to deceive me and I could see thru them? I often tell
my kids that mommy knows what you are thinking. The truth is each of has this
power, mind reading.
In fact, according to the article in Psychology Today dated September
1st 2007, newborns were born with the ability to read minds and they
are able to mimic facial expressions in just a few weeks old. And Nancy
Eisenberg, a psychology professor at Arizona State University and an expert on
emotional development stated that, “By two months, infants can perceive and
respond to the emotional states of their caregivers. By age 5, children have acquired a rudimentary
ability to read others' minds; they possess a "theory of mind." That
is, they understand that other people have thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that
are different from their own.”
The theory of mind reading is actually merely reading facial
expressions and body languages. It was reported that on average we can read
people's minds at the accuracy of 20 percents. This number goes up to 35 percents
for couples and close friends. The article claimed that we, females, tend to
better read mind, simply by motivation factor. We want to know. Men can too;
however, often they don’t bother to do so. Not
We also tend to feel the emotion that the other parties have.
By going thru the same emotion, we can somehow better read their mind. In contrast, we fail miserably on mind
reading when we are under stress and no time, according to “Blink – The Power
of Thinking Without Thinking,” by Malcom Gladwell. When we are under stress,
our minds stop reading and our abilities to read mind have become impaired. Worst,
they are filled with our own assumptions and thoughts. And sometimes, we simply
don’t have the chance to do it when we are given no time.
Often, when we know someone well (long) enough, we take it for granted and assume that we know them
well enough. We become presumptuous to pay details attention to their facial
expressions and body language. And, we may insert our own presumption. And this
can lead to disastrous. But, good news is, we are given many opportunities to
re-confirm our initial reading. After all, if we care enough, we would keep
trying and understanding our friends or significant others and that could lead
to better mind reading.
Last December, we were on a Princess cruise to Eastern Caribbean,
and we attended a “Mind Reading,” show. It was incredible! This person, (pardon
me, I am not good with names,) asked the audiences to clear our minds and start
focusing on one thing, anything. Later he narrowed down the reading by saying, “I
see someone is thinking about a dog.” Then he went on, “The dog name starts
with letter A.” Then he concluded with the exact name of the dog. It was impressive! He also claimed that if any
of the audience can prove that the participants were his accomplice, he would reward
them with $ Million.
Hope you fun with Mind Reading … See you on my next stop!
Until next stop,
Journey of Life
Until next stop,
Journey of Life
Wow very good post, you nailed exactly what I was referring to! :)